Its time to change tactics, and move on to the next step. I was debating with a friend that is over hyped on the revolution and wanted to keep pushing on staying in Tahrir square to the end that this is a wrong tactic and that the revolution will only loose if we keep on doing this. The sit in on the 8th July had definitely a huge effect, but after that sit-ins and presence in Tahrir square were only subracting from the revolution its momentum and glow. Compare what the response of the people was to the presence in Tahrir and that in front of the Isreali embassy in Giza. Despite the effect of the later on traffic the people relate to it and accept it big time compared to how people received any presence in Tahrir. The revolution should find other tactics and address the needs of the people, both economical and security and gain ground again. We need to funel the energy of the youth and young men and women who were in the revolution to come with potential solutions to both dimensions and get the people revolving around the main cause of Egypt now. We should overlook the details of the past, not to let go or overlook, but look forward to a new Egypt. One that we can shape ourselves and deny any force to pounce on it becuase of our incompetitence to deal with new dynamics. If the revolution ends to nothing it would only be from our doing now, mostly becuase of the emotional ties of the young to being revolutionary in only one form. Look forward and act collectively, bring the people together again and not apart.
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